SPACE 2024 Genomic Elite sale
A wide variety of breeds and high genetic quality
Unique in Europe, the Genomic Elite sale is a major event in the genetic animation of SPACE for more than 30 years.
This year again, the selection of animals illustrates the know-how of the best French breeders in genetic creation.
7 different breeds have been entered for this 2024 edition pf the Genomic Elite auction. The catalogue will feature 25 heifers (10 of which will be present at the exhibition) and 7 lots of embryos from sexed semen.
Holstein – Normand – Jersey – Pie Rouge – French brown – Montbeliarde – Simmental

Back to basics with a sale only in person, in the ring!
For a wild pace worthy of the finest auction rooms, all lots will be offered for sale with auctions only in person, in the SPACE ring, on Wednesday, September 18 from 5 pm. You will therefore have to take part in the event on site, or relay your interest to a contact physically present at the show.
Diversity, varied genetic profiles, and high level!
The catalog will be available online at the beginning of September. The lots offered will give you the opportunity to access the best of genetics with exceptional animals resulting from the selection work carried out by French breeders who have been passionate about genetics for many years.
You will be able to discover the animals and embryos for sale on: