

cerdosSalud animalServiciosActos veterinarios
1 star Innov'Space award-winner

Immunoinformatic algorithm-based PCV2 diagnostic tool

Circo-Match™ is an immunoinformatic tool developed to help veterinarians and farmers improve the diagnostic investigation of clinical and subclinical forms associated with Circovirus infection. Faced with the evolution of PCV2 viruses circulating in the field, it uses an immunoinformatic algorithm to assess the level of immunological coverage expected from vaccines against the viral strain circulating in the farm, based on the sequence of part of its genome.
Results of complex calculations are rendered under a simple, visual report using graphics, within a timeframe compatible with the diagnostic approach and decision-making (2 to 4 weeks after necropsy or blood sampling).
Outcome of a partnership with the biotechnology company EpiVax, this tool is offered by Zoetis as an added-value service to pig producers, with the aim of improving animal care, welfare and farm profitability. This tool currently works for PCV2, but could be adapted to other viruses (Influenza A virus, PRRSV...).
Hall 5 - Booth A28