Bovilis Cryptium

Bovilis Cryptium

GanadoSalud animalProductosProductos veterinarios (fabricación)
2 stars Innov'Space award-winner

1st vaccine against cryptosporidiosis to protect dairy and meat calves

BOVILIS CRYPTIUM(=BC) is the first vaccine to be administered to pregnant cows which helps protect calves against cryptosporidiosis. This innovative solution aims to limit clinical signs in calves affected by cryptosporidiosis. It’s sometimes necessary to resort to antibiotic treatment, notably when we notice severe clinical signs. BC brings a new way of thinking about protecting calves against cryptosporiodiosis. BC is an injectable emulsion for cattle, which is to be administered subcutaenously. BC allows the active immunization of pregnant heifers and cows in order to produce antibodies in their colostrum against glycoprotein 40 (gp40) of C. parvum. This vaccine is intended for the passive immunization of calves with colostrum and transitional milk to reduce clinical signs (i.e. diarrhea) caused by C. parvum. BC can be administered with the BOVILIS® ROTAVEC® CORONA vaccine on the same day, at two different injection sites. BC is multi-puncturable and stable over 28 days for greater flexibility in the implementation of vaccination protocols.
Hall 4 - Booth A45