1 star Innov'Space award-winner
Liquid/Solid Phase Separator
The Scaragriffe, developed by Innovlap, produces manure that can be exported and stored easily, and reduces the liquid content of manure.
The Scaragriffe cleverly combines a dewatering table fitted with a specific scraper with automation, minimising the energy required for the separation phase.
The dewatering table has been designed to filter only the liquid part of the dejecta, avoiding clogging of the juice recovery pipes. A solution for unclogging the draining table ensures constant and effective separation.
Once the manure has been separated, the Scaragriffe evacuates the solid part to a manure storage area in the form of compact manure, which can be easily exported to a third-party spreading plan or to a methanisation plant.
Fully automated, the Scaragriffe is fitted with safety systems to ensure that it operates without any intervention from the farmer. The Scaragriffe can be easily installed on new projects, but can also be adapted to existing farms.
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